6 key learnings from delivering successful intranets

The word intranet brings up a mixture of emotions. I’ve heard that ‘intranets are dead’ but this isn’t the case at all. In a cloud based world there are more opportunities than ever to reshape the traditional intranet into single, easy-to-use platform.

We are seeing technology budgets shared more equitably across the business, on a project like the introduction of a new Intranet. With IC and other business stakeholders taking control, introducing IT systems, it’s not uncommon to witness tension between the competing stakeholders. Communicators often have a sense of urgency and IT professionals are often more analytical wanting time to explore the detail.

As internal communicators, you need to be one step head of the curve. Think about the user experience and identify how technology can be used to create value for your organisation through shared goals and metrics, working together, and embracing new technologies as they emerge, you can create the workforce of the future, find new ways to communicate to our human and robotic audiences.

After 16 years building hundreds of cutting-edge intranets, Content and Code has great insight into what works and have built this knowledge into Fresh. It’s not easy whether you’re an Intranet Manager, Internal Communications specialist or HR Director, so here are 6 key learnings to ensure your intranet is a success.

1. Researching and developing a plan

Is the first necessary step to ensure that your platform is a success. This involves understanding the needs the business by using user research and gathering requirements from key stakeholders. Many businesses will devise a business case before the start of each project.

2. Identify and your main audience

Get cross-functional representatives (IT, IC, Finance and HR) together at the start for a frank discussion on objectives, aspirations and challenges. A knowledgeable third party can support and facilitate the right discussions.

3. Ensuring long term support

Is an often-missed factor in comms-led engagements. Make sure your vendors are mature enough to provide SLA based support. You need more than just delivery credentials if your intranet solution is to scale over time. Managed support services and evergreen platforms that provide continuous technology updates such as Office 365, allowing you to get the most out of your Intranet.

4. Ownership

A factor often not considered with end-user adoption is the overlap and role of other systems in the business. Competing head-on for hits with other systems is not a fun activity; either take a joint approach or be clear with expectations with system owners. Have a clear process for agreeing and implementing changes. Understand how your product is updated and who can modify the source.

5. Encourage ideas and get everyone involved

It’s important that employees are involved from the start and are on-board. They will be using the Intranet on a day-to-day basis. That’s why demos and roadshows are a great way of getting staff on board with technology and help deepen their understanding.

6. Manage expectations

By having a clear road map for the evolution of your intranet so that it is clear when additional features and functionality will be available.

Change is never easy but don’t be constrained by a lack of tools, instead focus on what you want to achieve and build a clear plan. By working together and being ahead of the curve, there is an opportunity to shape how you work. Exploit the opportunities and potential ahead. For more information get in touch below or simply download our Intranet business case template to help you get started.
How to Deliver Effective Communications in your Organisation – The challenge for businesses in the modern age is keeping a consistent tempo to work; a reliability to workplace environments; leadership in operations and universal touchpoints that reach across the entire organisation. This whitepaper takes a closer look at the importance of internal communications in a changing business landscape and the role a company’s intranet plays in improving business fluidity and function.


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