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Frontline workers: how internal comms can reach this elusive audience

They make up nearly two-thirds of the global workforce, 88% of businesses employ them and they’re ...

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What does industry research say about the digital workspace?

What does industry research say about the digital workspace?

The emergence and evolution of the digital workspace is one of the most profound workplace trends in...

5 features of Fresh that will delight your end users

5 features of Fresh that will delight your end users

A recent industry report found SharePoint 2010 was deployed in as many as 54% organisations across t...

How the digital workspace aligns IT with business strategy

How the digital workspace aligns IT with business strategy

Our series so far has covered a lot regarding the digital workspace – what it looks like, how it w...

Why a digital workspace is better than a custom made portal

Why a digital workspace is better than a custom made portal

Traditionally speaking, companies have custom built their Intranets using platforms such as SharePoi...

How to create a business case for a rapid deployment digital workspace

How to create a business case for a rapid deployment digital workspace

This is the final post in our series on Fresh, our innovative digital workspace powered by Office 36...

How to bring your intranet into the 21st Century

How to bring your intranet into the 21st Century

For much of history, the horse-drawn cart was the primary method of transport for carrying people, g...

Could your company intranet ever be liked, or even popular?

Could your company intranet ever be liked, or even popular?

There was a time, long ago, when your company intranet was like a pleasant and picturesque landscape...

5 key ways to make an intranet easy to use

5 key ways to make an intranet easy to use

What do people say about your intranet usability? Are colleagues always happy, or are there the same...

Can an intranet help you overcome portal pandemonium?

Can an intranet help you overcome portal pandemonium?

Do you ever find yourself taking a step back from your company intranet and thinking, “I wish it c...

Why don’t people collaborate on your intranet?

Why don’t people collaborate on your intranet?

If you’ve been following our series on the modern intranet, then you will be familiar with our ana...

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