We’re delighted to announce that we’re putting the final touches on a major update to Fresh. This upgrade, ‘Fresh Everest’, marks the most extensive set of improvements yet to our company intranet solution and will be rolled out in the next few weeks.
Helping your intranet stay on top in a digitally transforming world
It seems like an understatement to say that there has been a lot of change over the last year and a half. Particularly with how we work and how we communicate.
This unprecedented alteration to our working lives means employees place more emphasis than ever on optimising their online communications. In turn, company intranets and digital workplaces have become central to delivering a positive digital employee experience.
Hybrid working means that more people than ever rely on their company intranet to stay connected, informed and collaborative.
What does Fresh deliver that other intranets don’t?
Many pre-built Microsoft 365 intranets only offer static template-based layouts. This can be a powerful way of quickly getting something up and running. But the way we work and our expectations evolve constantly. So, several months down the line, will your initial layout still be relevant?
Fresh is plugged into Microsoft’s roadmap, meaning all of the latest updates are passed on as they arrive, as with other Microsoft 365 subscription-based products.
Over the years, we have built a strong partnership with Microsoft, which enables us to pass the benefits of this on to our customers. This feeds back into your experience of using Fresh.
We stay up-to-date with all the latest news and product features coming down the line, so you don’t have to, and we can help you prepare for change. It’s all part of our promise to our clients as their digital transformation partner.
Taking the intranet to new heights – what’s new in Fresh Everest?
So, what does this latest version release mean for your business? Fresh Everest brings ten new features and 25 updates to existing features, including the following.
Greater synergy with Viva Connections
Since its release earlier this year, Microsoft’s Viva platform has enhanced the Teams user interface and offered more in-app functionality than ever. Viva Connections in particular has proved a game-changer, enabling businesses to make their intranets accessible from within Microsoft Teams for an immersive employee experience.
While Fresh is ready-to-go with Viva Connections, up until now the setup and activation process has required a degree of technical skill. Our team has been working to provide additional support and guidance in our documentation, so the installation process is smoother and more intuitive?

Enhanced people search
In the top three common requirements across all organisations is the need to identify and contact colleagues quickly and easily. Fresh’s people search feature has been under development recently, to bring more options for attributes, filtering, sorting, giving kudos/praise and viewing badges to promote experts.
New badges function for easy kudos
Fresh Everest will also offer users the ability to more easily and visibly issue kudos to colleagues in the form of graphic badges. This can also support functional recognition, such as highlighting first aiders and people with other important training and skills on a team. Ensuring good work is recognised adequately has presented challenges for businesses in the past, so we are hopefully that this functionality will go some way to solving this challenge for Fresh clients and their users.
The future for employee experience is bright – the future is Fresh
Your company’s digital workspace is where your people start and end their day, whether at their desk at home, in the office or via. mobile device while on the move.
We created and continue to enhance Fresh because we believe that with our expert subject knowledge, we are uniquely placed to build a powerful platform that will change how your business works.
If you’d like us to help you kickstart your digital workplace strategy, you can sign up to a personal workshop to identify your organisation’s current state and plan the path you’ll take a deploy a successful intranet.