Take a Fresh approach to your Valo Intranet

Facts about Valo Intranet

  • Valo Intranet is currently in maintenance mode, which means no new features, enhancements or innovation.
  • Valo Intranet ends support on 31st July, 2025.
  • After 31st July, 2025, Valo clients will be left with an outdated and unmaintained intranet that can pose security risks and may suddenly stop working.
  • As AI intranet opportunities increase, Valo Intranet clients will be left behind
Let us help you

The Fresh team has been key in ensuring a smooth transition from Valo to Fresh Intranet for our clients, providing a clear path to business continuity. Fresh Intranet, with its comprehensive suite of features, is designed to transform SharePoint and seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365, aligning perfectly with our mission to elevate the digital workplace experience. Their consistent above-and-beyond support has made the transition effortless and highly effective for our Valo clients.

Brian Long Director of Business Development, Klarinet Solutions LLC

What makes Fresh Intranet the best choice to replace your Valo Intranet?

  • Fresh employs former Valo employees with many years of experience in Valo products, spanning knowledge of Valo’s business, product information architecture and technology.
  • Fresh is experienced in delivering successful Valo Intranet replacement projects for clients.
  • Fresh is built and designed similarly to Valo which simplifies the transition.
  • Fresh has joined forces with experienced Valo partners for a smooth transition from Valo to Fresh.
  • The Fresh team have been listening to the requirements of Valo clients and have introduced specific Valo features, such as the Breadcrumb and Tabs web part, to facilitate the transition to Fresh Intranet.
  • Fresh offers former Valo Intranet clients a special discount.

Smoothly transition from Valo to Fresh Intranet.

Replace your Valo Intranet

A lot of our clients have been working with Valo Intranet yet with its support ending in 2025, they’re looking for a replacement. Fresh is a strong, positive alternative. Fresh has provided our Valo clients with lots of support, helping them to migrate easily from Valo to Fresh.

Bo van der Linden Business Consultant, I4-YOU

Unique benefits of Fresh Intranet

  • Fresh Intranet is an enterprise-ready, AI-powered intranet solution, built on Microsoft 365 and SharePoint.
  • Fresh has been developed since 2015 by the Advania Group, a large IT consultancy business based in Northern Europe, which uses, sells and implements Fresh for its own clients.
  • Designed with intranet use cases in mind, Fresh includes intranet features like analytics, content management, news feed, notifications, integrations with Viva Connections and Viva Engage and much more, including an editorial calendar (coming soon).
  • Taking advantage of the power of Microsoft 365, SharePoint, Teams and Viva, Fresh helps you maximise your investment in Microsoft 365. It runs on your Microsoft environment, keeping your data safe.
  • Fresh ensures you stay ahead of the AI game by integrating its generative AI tool FreshMind across multiple intranet use cases, from search to content management and editing.
Take a Fresh approach

Many of the features that customers often want for their intranet are available in Fresh, so a lot less customization is needed. Automatic content translations, advanced search experience, more stylished news listing and rss feed as examples.

Matti Koivula M365 Consultant, Advania Finland

Tips for a successful Valo Intranet replacement

  • Check your next Valo licensing renewal and replace before this date to save costs.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute! The decision-making process, including choosing a vendor and getting budget approval, can be a long journey; start looking for a new intranet today. For more details on how to create a business case for a new intranet, see Intranet costs: Budgeting for a new intranet.
  • Ensure that your new intranet provider has a clear path for successfully transitioning you from Valo to your new intranet.
  • Validate your new intranet provider’s knowledge of Valo Intranet. The better they understand Valo, the more effectively they can support you with a smooth intranet replacement, thereby reducing project risks and minimising intranet downtime.

Contact us today and learn more about how to replace your Valo Intranet with Fresh.

Let's talk